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Essential Oil Profile: German Chamomile

Updated: Apr 14


Latin Name

Matricaria recutita

Botanical Family

Asteraceae (Compositae)

Common Names

Chamomile, blue chamomile

Frequently found in these countries

Native to Europe and temperate zones in Asia.

It was introduced in India and is grown in J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Assam.

Plant Part Used


Extraction Method

Steam Distillation

Some Main constituents of this essential oil

Chamazulene, bisabolol oxide A, bisabolol oxide B, a-bisabolol, a-farnesene

Aroma Note (Evaporation Rate)


How to recognize the aroma

Strong, bitter, herbal and slightly honey sweet fruity.

Effect of Aroma on us

Calms feelings of anger and frustration, grounding, reduces all energetic heat.

Some Therapeutic effects

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antihistaminic. It is considered to be cooling because of its anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic and antiallergic actions. It may also be useful in reducing / relieving itching. As it has an antihistaminic action, it may also be helpful in relieving bronchoconstriction when inhaled. Research has shown that a-bisabolol present in the oil promotes the formation of granulation tissue and thus aids in healing of wounded skin. German chamomile is found to be helpful for aches and pains pertaining to inflammation, joints and tendons and sore muscles.


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